Combat Diabetes With This Tasty Herb (+delicious recipe)

When you start to cook naturally, the flavors sort of come alive. Right?

It’s true. The more you create meals out of whole ingredients, you start to notice that the flavors of the ingredients burst with each bite. Vegetables become more vibrant, pasta more satisfying, and herbs even bolder.

Instead of relying on chemicals like MSG or extra salt to make your dish shine, the fresh ingredients do all of the taste-enhancing for you.

The crazy part about all of that is this: those all-natural ingredients can actually help you heal your diabetes.

Fresh basil is one of those herbs.

Basil lowers fasting blood glucose and protects against metabolic syndrome. In fact, the effects are comparable to the popular diabetes drug Metformin.

Now, I’m sure that you’re thinking of eating some margarita pizza just to get your fresh basil in. But you know what? That’s not exactly good for diabetes, if-you-know-what-I-mean.

So here is a delicious smoothie that will blow your mind and help treat your diabetes. And if you’re worried about the fruit in the smoothie, don’t: fruit is good for treating diabetes.

The oranges provide you with a serious boost of antioxidants, which as you may know combat virtually everything that may be wrong with you. The antioxidant power protects against free radical damage. Normally, our bodies can handle a bit of free radical damage. With diabetes, though, free radical damage comes virtually all day as a result of an unstable blood glucose.

So, in reality, this smoothie is not only combating diabetes, but it is also protecting against the damaging effects of diabetes, as well. Win!

Orange Basil Smoothie


  • 4-6 navel oranges, juiced
  • 1 massive handful of fresh basil
  • 1 frozen banana, broken into pieces


  1. Place everything into a blender and blend until smooth.

[expand title=”References“]

J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. URL link. Retrieved May 9, 2017.


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