What You Need to Know About the 3 New FDA-Approved Diabetes Drugs

FDA-approved diabetes drugs

The FDA is extremely rigorous when it comes to diabetes medication. There is a long vetting process before a new drug gets accepted. The full list of FDA-approved diabetes drugs is slow to expand.

However, the FDA recently approved three new types of medication. These are:

  • Steglatro™, which is available in pharmacies from January 2018
  • Steglujan™, which is available from January as well
  • Segluromet™, which enters the market in February 2018.

So what do you need to know about these new FDA-approved diabetes drugs? Here’s a quick overview.

1. All Three New Drugs Come in the Form of Tablets

The FDA allows drugs you can take orally and drugs you can inhale or inject. The three newest additions to the list all come in the form of tablets. There are also various dosages to choose from.

2. Intended for Type 2 Diabetes Only

If you have type 1 diabetes, taking these drugs could be dangerous to your health. Furthermore, there are various important side effects and constraints you have to keep in mind.

3. Dieting and Exercise Is Crucial

For these drugs to take effect, it’s necessary to follow certain rules. The most important recommendation is maintaining a strict diet. Regular exercise is another crucial part of keeping your blood sugar levels under control.

A Final Word

These new FDA-approved diabetes drugs can do a lot to improve your quality of life. After all, they could be effective even if you had problems with diabetes medication in the past.

But it’s important to watch out for side effects. You should always consult your doctor if your medication is causing you harm.

Disclaimer: Diabetics Weekly is not associated with nor does it endorse the medications mentioned in this article

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